We will always be kids

Paradigms Journal
2 min readDec 22, 2021


Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

You know… There some things that nobody taught us. For example that it doesn’t matter if we impress others or not. Nobody cares. Or if they do then they are either 1. your family and close ones who are happy for your achievements, or 2. people envy you because the illusion of what you have makes them feel they are losing out on something.

More important than impressing others is to just do what you enjoy doing and believe has value, either for you or others. At the end of your life you would wish to actually look back and know that you have enjoyed every moment of your life. You got up early every morning because you were excited to start the day and start “playing”. From God’s perspective we will always be kids. There will always be things that we don’t know and make mistakes. It is normal, it is natural and it shall be accepted. By us and by others.

Over the period of our lives there are two things that change: our age and the size of our playground.

Remember that: Over the period of our lives there are two things that change: our age and the size of our playground. We will always stay kids. Because there is no such thing as adult. Even if we grow older, we will always stay kids of our parents. They will always see as their children and remember us as their young ones, who they cherish and care so much for.

And when we become parents, we shall also remember that we don’t need to be a grown up. We can just be an “older child”. Someone who takes care of our kids and at the same time stays a kid.

Someone who is excited to wake up every morning and start the day to explore something new. To do something we enjoy and has meaning to us or others.

That is what I believe makes life meaningful and worth living.



Paradigms Journal

Journaling some of my paradigms. Hope some you might find some useful.